Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier, opinions and competition

I just ordered the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier.  
I would appreciate any comments on this amp from users, or any opinions of competing amps in the $2000-$3000 range.
My speakers are the GoldenEar Triton 1’s.  Preamp: Conrad Johnson PV11 modified with Teflon caps.
@rvpiano - I've had my AHB2 for three years and purchased a DAC 3 HGC to go with it last year. The amp replaced a Bryston integrated; there was no question but that I was going to keep it after a few days break-in and a head-to-head comparison using a DAC as the source for both. I am still very happy with it. Add some high-end cables (the Benchmark folks don't believe in that stuff) and find out how accurate and resolving it really is!

Thanks for the feedback.  Right now, after a few days break in, I’m loving the amp. I actually already do use high end cables.
 I get my old amp back from repair tomorrow.  I almost don’t want to hear it.  But I probably will just to confirm how much better the Benchmark is.
does benchmark amp sound like any other amps?  what's their competition?  was thinking of trying one out...own nad 275bee now.  upgrade itis...