Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Tidal contriva Diacera:

There are better and less expensive value for money.
Do any of you just tell me the price of the factory Tidal to Distributor? and the final price Distributor/Dealer to Customer?.
This information is for people, The Profits are a Dizzying Wealth.

Enjoy all with the music.
Rilou, in my experience there certainly are less expensive speakers than the Contriva Diacera SEs but only the Sunrays maybe better. I have had many speakers in 45 years as an audiophile and had concluded that you needed to choose your poison. Then I heard the Contrivas after but three days of breakin. Wow! Never had a speaker achieved the totality of sound like them.

I am enjoying my music. Thank you.

I am in no way an expert on such things, but anytime a product goes through a set of hands there is going to be an increase in price.

Lets take the T-1 system as an example:

Retail price $260,000

Dealer price $156,000

Distributors price $93,600

The Tidal speakers have more three-dimensional clarity and focus then any other speaker I have owned or listen to.

The great thing is we all have choices and if your choice is not to own Tidal then I respect that.