How much do we at A'gon influence the industry?

Hi everyone,
Just a question that's been in my head for a little bit. How important do you folks feel this forum is to the audio industry at large in the Ensligh speaking countries?  I ask because I often see some taking it way too seriously, and personally.

I mean, I know times are tough, being a boutique audio manufacturer is not easy at any level in the audio industry, so I can really understand how negative buzz for your product can directly relate to your livelihood.
On the other hand, it's just A'gon. I doubt most audiophiles even come here very often.
What do you all think?


larry572976 posts03-22-2019 11:27amTo Jeffkate:

Please explain.  Are you saying to look up any of the stereo gear at Wikipedia to see if they list it to be audiophile quality.  I have never used Wikipedia so far so I must still live in the dark ages.  Guess I showed my age.

>>>>>I was joking. That is not to say Wikipedia cannot often be a source of excellent easy to find and well organized information. 
Post removed 
"I noticed some some people to mention Klipsh and Kef which I do not consider to be audiophile quality."
Your standards may be higher than many others'.
We're no more than a drop in an ocean. For every one of us putting marbles in cups, testing armboard materials or rolling NOS tubes, there are 1000 additional 0.1% people entering a market filled with very expensive products aimed at those high net worth individuals.