Why do members hijack threads?

Some members intentionally start conversations on threads that are unrelated to the Original Poster’s topic. Not only does the thread get derailed, but whatever useful info discussed on the thread by the hijacker is hidden from view, unless one searches for it. 

So rather than starting a new thread on topic, some members appear to disrupt an ongoing discussion.

Thoughts as to why this occurs?
I agree with rshak most of the times its just the evolution of conversation.  On the minority times when the hijack is deliberate in a fashion most of the times the poster will say 'sorry I do not mean to hijack this thread but I too have a similar system as the OP and just wondered which upgrade to take?'  Sometimes the change of course of the thread can become a lot more interesting discussion and the thread gets a new fresh lease of life.
Post removed 
Sometimes what is perceived as a "hijack" is the result of a thread that has had its topic beaten to death via an extra long thread, and then morphed into a general conversation about unrelated things. 

And yes ... it was a joke. :-)
