Should I expect a discount from dealer for buying and installing complete system

I am getting ready to purchase a complete Home theater system from my dealer. It will probably end up at or over $17000. I am buying all the equipment from him and they are doing the install. He sent me the proposal today and I was surprised that there was no package deal. All the equipment which includes a receiver, a 9 speaker Atmos system. I may only need 7 if I can use my already installed rear ceiling speakers, cables, 65" TV 4K DVD player some other things I need. plus speaker stands. It's a complete redo of my home theater and will require extensive installation as my home theater room was done when we renovated and the room was frame. All the wiring is hidden behind the walls and all the equipment is in the closet. A lot of holes will be drilled and crawling under the house and going into the attic to do the work. Am I out of line to expect a solid discount on the equipment?
As a Master Electrician who has done a ton of custom installs I will say $125.00 an hour per man is fair.That kind of work is a BEEATCH!
4K TV’s are cheap,I’ll bet there is oversale here,have you done any online research of the models he’s selling vs what is available?What about cables?Have you checked online pricing vs what he’s selling?Does Installation include FULL ISF Calibration of monitor & source?Have you even heard the receiver and speakers together?I would do a LOT of research on this before laying down hard green only to find you got hosed..Also exactly what kind of training do the install techs have?You want someone drilling mindlessly into your walls,hell no you need someone who knows how to use the latest tech to plan raceways & pull wire without mucking up whats already there..Also if your paying full value per man they both better have the same Certs,if 1 is an apprentice the price goes down by half...
2Paradigm 75F and 155C
2Paradigm Surround 3
2Paradigm CI-PRO P80R
2 Paradigm surround stands
1 stand for 55C
1JL Labs TRX
1 Parasound Zampv3
1AQ Active HDMI
1 Sony X1000 ES blu-ray
1Sony XBR950G 65"
1 Sony STRZA5000ES receiver
He didn't include it but I know I will need 4K cables for Apple 4K and Sony Blue-ray player
I'm he will find some other things I need to set it up

System Installation

  1. 1  Remove existing receiver, DVD player, VCR. Install new components and speakers.

  2. 2  Pull new HDMI and CAT6 cables to TV location

  3. 3  Pull new sub cable to under TV location

  4. 4  Pull new speaker cables to front Atmos position. Use existing Sonance for rear Atmos.

  5. 5  Remove Samsung TV and mount new 4K Sony TV

  6. 6  Install new 4K AppleTV for Theater, existing AppleTVs for zone music playback

  7. 7  Bypass inwall volume controls

  8. 8  Program Universal Remote Control for Zone 2 (master bedroom

  9. 9  Install surrounds and wireless system.

  10. 10  Mount existing Samsung in Son's room

  11. 11  Calibrate System

  12. 12  Train client on Sony Web interface for zone use.

I picked out the Paradigm 75F's and the 55C. He wanted me to go with the cheaper 45C
I chose the Sony 950G
I probably was going to buy either Marantz 812 or Anthem 720 but he played me the Sony a few times and I had to agree that it sounded great. He wanted me to buy the Sony 3100 but I wanted the 5000
Installation does include calibration. The surround and the two Atmos speakers he suggested. I already have 5 ceiling speakers but we will only use the 2 rear for Atmos. The prices are all list. I haven't checked price of cable yet
Yes I have heard it but not with 55C. I think I heard 55C with another system. I also heard Anthem
I am assuming the installers are top notch. This is a very hi end store. I'm buying their mid-fi I guess in comparison to Wilson Speakers and all the super expensive amps and preamps, etc. They have been in business for 30 years and I have dealt with them for thirty years. This is the first time that they will install anything.
The labor estimate is $3000. I think it will go up though. When the installers come they will go under the house to see the feasibility of installing wired surround sound speakers. The owner thought it would be labor intensive and suggested the wireless surround. I have to see the difference in price because with the wireless I need the wireless transmitter plus the Parasound amp. I would prefer the surrounds to be wired so I am hoping it will be not to hard to install the wires through the back of the house.
Thanks your opinions!

  1. 1  Remove existing receiver, DVD player, VCR. Install new components and speakers.

  2. 2  Pull new HDMI and CAT6 cables to TV location

  3. 3  Pull new sub cable to under TV location

  4. 4  Pull new speaker cables to front Atmos position. Use existing Sonance for rear Atmos.

  5. 5  Remove Samsung TV and mount new 4K Sony TV

  6. 6  Install new 4K AppleTV for Theater, existing AppleTVs for zone music playback

  7. 7  Bypass inwall volume controls

  8. 8  Program Universal Remote Control for Zone 2 (master bedroom

  9. 9  Install surrounds and wireless system.

  10. 10  Mount existing Samsung in Son's room

  11. 11  Calibrate System

  12. 12  Train client on Sony Web interface for zone use.

Nothing there requires a licensed electrician. And just a guess neither of the two men will be electricians. If and when the dealer needs an electrician my guess would be he has an electrical contractor he uses. 
As a rule low voltage communication/data cable installers are paid about half of what an electrician is paid.   
Note: There are good and bad low voltage cable installers just like there are good and bad electricians.