Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
no worries my friend. Better keep the one you like....

It would be easier to check which of the two programs is closer to a top vinyl system if you have one around.

Bear in mind that the conclusions about Pure Vinyl are not just mine. There are at least 3 people with top systems that have the same opinion... Including people using Tidal speakers....
Geopolitis, who are they? I know two who totally agree with me for whatever that is worth. What version of PM are you working with? PM 1.60 was a big jump in quality as was Memory playback and HOG.
Geopolitis, I should say that I discovered that my Syn. Res. Universal Cells were not charged. I realized that this morning and connected them. This made a very large improvement of both the sound using Amarra and Pure Music, but changed my preferences not at all.

I am using the Pure Vinyl not the Pure music but I assume that it has the same music engine.

Argyro is of the guys, the others don't write in Audiogon...
Geopolitis, I think Pure Vinyl includes Pure Music, but you might need to check how current your PM is. There have been many upgrades in the last several months. Going from 1.46 to 1.6 was a major improvement.