What do you drive and why?

Just got a 2019 Subaru Forester. Had a 2012 till someone decided to T-bone me on the drivers side. The car held up very well to the impact. Walked away even though the damage was such insurance called it a total loss. Safety was a main consideration in getting the new one, plus the AWD system, improved mileage and reliability of the brand. Had an older Honda CRV (2006) and almost bought another, great small SUV.
So what do you drive and why?
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@glupson- you’ll be so toasted by driving you won’t enjoy the show. Flying is a pain, but-- a 13 hour drive? I’d need a day of rest, at a minimum. And you’ve got to contend with hotel reservations- i have no idea how bad that is for this show. I know, having just experienced SX here in Austin that the rates go thru the roof....
And now that the festivities are over, back to normal, sorta. 
Tesla 3P

Why? Guilt-free driving since I also have solar power installed at home. The car is seriously fast, fun to drive and quiet. In addition, the sound system is quite good to boot. Finally, my wife also likes it because she claims that the autopilot does a better job than I do at maintaining the car in the center of the lane, while cruising in the freeway.
2001 Saab Viggen convertible1991 Saab 900 SPG turbo1975 Toyota FJ40 Landcruiser
2018 Subaru Forester. Last year available with a manual transmission.  (I'm not sure I've ever owned an automatic transmission car -- and I'm an old geezer who's been driving for a long, long time.) Forester sometimes feels like a luxury car compared to my previous daily driver (which I certainly still have) -- a Porsche 993, which was also my track car (with a homemade roof rack to carry my racing tires), but as impractical as you might imagine for grocery shopping, etc. Even my Ferrari 512TR is more practical than the 993, at least as far as cargo carrying.  Previously had many Audis -- S4s and S6.  And others, not generally as interesting, except for my 944.