Koetsu Rosewood - Best/safest way to clean stylus

I have a Koetsu Rosewood Signature and have been cleaning the stylus using LAST (I think that is the brand) liquid with a brush, followed by using the cueing to drop the needle onto a Magic Eraser 4-5 times. I think this works pretty well, but I worry about the liquid... having read about liquid wicking up the cantilever, etc.

Could using liquid damage the cartridge? Could dropping the cueing down onto the Magic Eraser "grab" the needle and damage the suspension as I raise it? It seems like the only safe way to use Magic Eraser because I don't trust my hands to be steady enough to do it any other way.

Is there another cleaning method that has actually been proven (via microscope) to clean the needle safely and be safe for the cartridge?

So just buy a pack from wallyworld and dip the stylus down into it just like I have been doing with the onzow.

As some have said, sounds too easy and does not cost enough.....lmao.

Will get some tomorrow and give it a whirl.

So do users cut the sponge pad up into smaller pieces or?

Looks like it was 3/4" thick.
Now at Target I see Mr Clean Magic Eraser sheets.

I assume that is the product we are referring to here and that people are using?
I found it useful to cut a small square of Magic Eraser into a wedge shape and glue it to a silver coin. A gold coin would solve the low-cost problem.

If you decide to glue the Magic Eraser to something, make VERY sure that the something, like a coin, is not magnetic. The cartridge magnets are strong and can attract anything magnetic, and that can do damage.