Reasonable but not outragious interconnects


Can you all please give me some recommendations on rca interconnects lets say in the $50-$75 per pair range for 3’? 

I have the new b&w 804 d3’s, Classe amp and Marantz pre amp. I’m not looking for $200/ft cables. Just something decent and reasonable. I know a lot of people on this forum go super expensive. I will admit I am running monoprice cables on it now and it sounds really good but I think I could get the little bit more out of this system with better. 

Either build your own, buy used or spend a little more. Your gear is nice enough to justify better that’s for sure but understand not wanting to go crazy. If you don’t know how to use a soldering iron then you really need to expand your budget a little or just keep what you have. If you build your own spend a little on the ends or you’re wasting your time, then look at Canare, Belden or Mogami bulk mic cable.

The Canare comes in multiple colors if you want something more fun than black. I have the purple on my drum kit and love the color. The Canare is a very nice cable; not the most revealing but it does nothing wrong either. You won’t feel you’re missing anything but the top end is a little rolled off. No cable in this price point is going to be extremely revealing. The pro studio mic cables are very good but just because they are widely used in studios don’t buy into there’s nothing better than what’s in the studio because that’s not true. Studios use this stuff because it’s indeed very good, flexible and durable, shielded but it’s cheap and gets the job done. Really easy to build your own and if you have questions on the construction there’s plenty here to walk you through it.
I have both canare and mogami interconnects (and cardas and others)..

I recommend that for about $45 a pair that you purchase interconnects made with mogami W2534 neglex quad microphone cable from Markertek. They will build them to your specifications, length and connectors, and I like the Connectronics Deluxe RCA Plug with Spring. I like this RCA connector because I like having spring to relieve tension on the RCA jack, but there are others to chose from..
If you don't want to build your own there are a couple of good choices, Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 are about $40 for a 3-ft. pair.
Signal makes good, reasonabley priced interconnects.

If you do want to build your own I would concur with the recommendation of Mogami or Canare microphone cable with your choice of connector. I've made several pair from the Mogami with Vampire RCAs and am quite happy with them.