I think that sfar has inadvertently somewhat muddied the waters in this low cost interconnect discussion. You can buy any of the cables already assembled. This would be my recommendation: https://www.markertek.com/product/msc3rr/mogami-neglex-quad-audio-cable-rca-male-to-male-3-foot-blac...
The reason I did not recommend Blue Jeans LC-1 is that of the big three good but reasonable priced speaker wire manufacturers, I tend to prefer mogami for interconnects, canare for speaker cables and belden for neither. The LC-1 is made from belden wire. This is only in my system, but I wanted to mention my reasoning to you.
I have not tried the signal cable that sfar recommends, but have read only great things about them. One pet peeve I have (not about signal cable in particular) is when the RCA that I am considering ends up being the lowest in their product line.
The reason I did not recommend Blue Jeans LC-1 is that of the big three good but reasonable priced speaker wire manufacturers, I tend to prefer mogami for interconnects, canare for speaker cables and belden for neither. The LC-1 is made from belden wire. This is only in my system, but I wanted to mention my reasoning to you.
I have not tried the signal cable that sfar recommends, but have read only great things about them. One pet peeve I have (not about signal cable in particular) is when the RCA that I am considering ends up being the lowest in their product line.