mlimpression, as millercarbon suggests you are going to have to give us a lot more info.
Start with whether you are looking for a home theater set up or just music set up or combo. Then let us know about the room size, etc. Then maybe what kind of music you are into if music is part of the equation and then, very important, your budget. You don't want someone to suggest $10,000 speaker cables if your budget is $15,000 for the system.
Lots of knowledgeable folks here who can help you out but you have to give them more to go on.
Start with whether you are looking for a home theater set up or just music set up or combo. Then let us know about the room size, etc. Then maybe what kind of music you are into if music is part of the equation and then, very important, your budget. You don't want someone to suggest $10,000 speaker cables if your budget is $15,000 for the system.
Lots of knowledgeable folks here who can help you out but you have to give them more to go on.