I'm a beginner

Hi All,

I just bought ML impression 11A. before that, I was using BOSE. Please give me your best opinion on AMP/Preamp, Subwoofer, speaker cable, and center channel. 

So far I shortlisted Balanced Force210 and ML Focus ESL C18 for Center speaker. 
Do I need both Power Amp and Preamp?
Which speaker cable should I use?


Check out this thread:


The OP started out with Martin Logans and is back to Martin Logans now.  Ask him in the thread or email him and he'll give you his opinion on what might work best for you.

General rule of thumb is the front stage (3 speakers in your case) should make up at least 50% of your budget. So contrary to @n80, yes you do want $10,000 speakers+sub on a $15K budget. What amp/preamp you get is minutely important relative to what speakers, sub(s), and room treatment you get.

All your power amplification needs to do is supply enough wattage, at low enough distortion, and be (in my opinion) relatively neutral.

Unless you need high spouse approval, don’t get a MartinLogan subwoofer; get one from say Rythmik or PowerSoundAudio. Also, going dual provides a lot of room benefits, 2x $1500 subs sounds a lot better than 1x $3000 sub.

Have you given any thoughts on room treatment? Room treatment makes a vastly more beneficial upgrade in sonics than even the most expensive amplifier in world would achieve.

I firmly stand my suggestion of something like the Denon X3500 mentioned; which again you can hook up external power amps in the future if you ever want to see if they have a good enough benefit to be worth it.
@mzkmxcv  said:

" So contrary to @n80,   yes you do want $10,000 speakers+sub"

You misread what I wrote which was "$10,000 speaker _cables_"

So far I have just ML impression 11a. let me ask again specifically? 
I want these for both music and movies. 
1. Any good amp within $2500-3000 range.
2. do I need preamp along with amp?
3. Good 3d bluray player. ( My kids love 3d movies)
4. Do I need special speaker wire for speakers, if yes then which one? do want to go overboard. 
5. Good Turntable. 
5. Receiver 

A receiver is an all-in-one; you don’t use preamps and amps and receivers together. You can use an external amp on many receivers if you want more power or what have you. 
For your stated budget, you can move up from Denon/Marantz and get the Anthem MRX 720 ($2500 I believe).  
Speaker cables do not need to be “special”; you can pay more for Nice looking ones though. One nice option: 
Unless a super heavy vinyl guy, get the Rega P2, the 2M blue cartridge, and the for the phono preamp, this seems good:
This Sony 3D Blu-day player should work
As for cables (RCA, HDMI, etc.), SKW, sold on Amazon, are pretty good. Or, KabelDirek for no frills.