Lightning quick DYNAMIC amp in the under $1000 range

Hi guys, slowly upgrading my system on a bang for the buck budget. Anyone know of a musical, dynamic amp for under a grand? I would prefer new, but if anyone knows of a good deal on the used market, that could work, as well.
The STA200 is A/B. Two aspects to be aware of is that it is very sensitive to input voltage and doesn't provide amy more power into 4ohms than into 8ohms (80wpc). It is a very quiet and clean sounding amplifier well suited to a passive pre and best matched with 6-8ohm speakers. Currently being offered at $429 from Audio Advisor making it a great amp for a budget system when so paired. 

Within my closet of goodies, I can put together a system consisting of: Schiit DAC ($99), Schiit SYS ($50), STA200 ($429), Focal Chorus 706s (latest addition) ($549), Blue Jean LC-1 interconnects ($70), Audioquest Type 4 speaker cables (used $35), steel speaker stands (used $25).  System price $1250. Sometimes substitute B&W 685s (used $300) for the Focals.  

All that said, if I had ~$1000 to spend on an amplifier and the funds for remaining system to compliment, I would purchase the Odyssey knowing it would provide greater flexibility, and better serve if inclined toward an upgrade path.

Peter_s, I own a BEL 1001 MK5, produced in summer of 2007. Probably the single best piece of equipment I own. Great amplifier! It is the reason I don't own an Odyssey. Found it at a dealership in 2011 hidden in the corner.   
OP- you mentioned wanting to improve bass. I'm also using Vandy 2Cs and couldn't get much bass at all no matter which amp I tried. Finally, I played around with speaker position per Johnny Rutan's (AudioConnection) recommendations and found the missing bass by getting the speakers 9" from front wall (measured from back of speaker). 
Tomcarr yes! The acoustic coupler needs to connect to the back wall, just like the 3 series....
big fun !
Good suggestion! On one hand I wouldn't say I hate my behringer pro-amp. The thing is quite a beast (does 450watts/channel into 8 ohms, 750WPC at 4 ohm) Also, weighs close to 40 lb with a huge toroid transformer. But those are built for cranking full blast for hours at a time in pro-audio use scenario. Not sure if I'm missing something by not having an amp meant for serious 2-channel listening. Guess I need to do what tomic says and just buy a couple and see if I can notice a difference. Shoot...always comes down to that doesn't it.
Thanks all for the suggestions. Going to look closer at a used Odyssey stratos, as well. How do they upgrade them?