Quanmer, thank you.. Am presently residing in Indonesia, if you ever come around this way, you are welcome to visit my modest system. Could also tour you to some of friends' not so modest ones with--Sunray, top line Kharma, Wilson, Acapella, FMA Inspiration system 1 etc. That will probably keep you very busy. :)
Bostonbean, I've got a hunch if classical is your thing then you'll most likely be very happy with the Piano Diacera. Discounted, I think they could even cost less than the Q3. Magico gives very minimal discount, and ime, have poor resale value. I now tend to prefer brands with longer lifespan--Tidal, FMA, Soulution, Avalon, TAD to name a few, at least they keep their owners less fidgety. Anyway, try auditioning both and do update your impressions. Good luck.