Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Bostonbean...calloway here.I first heard the piano ceras' last year at the axpona show in Jacksonville.one of the stereophile reviewers came into the room and stayed for 1 hour playing most of the discs he brought with him.one he played was a Mahler symphony ......he thought it was the one of the best presentations of the piece he had ever heard.he gave the room a ' best in show award '...yes they can do classical music.I plaid some of my classical music also. They are superb.are you in Boston?....reason I ask ..doug white of ' thevoicethatis.com' is in Philadelphia...or right outside pa. He has ...I think..a pair of the piano ceras' at his home...I bought my contrivas' based on my time spent at the axpona show listening to the pianos'
Bostonbean, I have the first production pair of Piano Ceras and live in Providence (RI). I can demonstrate them on Doug White's behalf.
Calloway and Linkster, Thank you for your responses. And Linkster, I sent you an e-mail regarding your kind offer.

I have made arrangements to see Doug down in Philly to audition the Piano Diaceras. He does not have any Ceras for audition.

I have been looking for speakers that can play both rock and symphonic music. The Tidals may fit the bill.

I was thinking of the new Magico Q3's. I have auditioned the V2's which were wonderful on classical music but with rock they sounded, as John Potis so perfected described JM Lab speakers in the Tidal Piano speaker review, fractured. Which, in my opinion, pretty much reflects how rock music is recorded with seperate recording rooms for musicians and overly mixing. With speakers there is a fine line between detail and too much detail. I am guessing that Tidal has hit that right spot.

Also, I see that Bvdiman, who has owned or tried just about every iteration of Magico speakers has gone to Tidal. This says much to me.

My only fear is that I may end up going the the Piano Diaceras. Using the rational that if I was willing to spend $34K for the Q3's why not spend a few thousand more and get the Diacera's.
Bostonbean, I think with the BAT Rex preamp, you can have the best of both classical music and (gulp!) rock. Put a Sovtek or EH gold pin 6H30 in the switched position within the power module. The 6C45 provides great detail, depth, and extension. The 6H30 takes away some depth and detail in favor of midrange texture and harmonies.

This is one of the biggest reasons I am sticking with BAT Rex. Rolling tubes on the fly with a switch allows one to get the best of both worlds.
Quanmer, thank you.. Am presently residing in Indonesia, if you ever come around this way, you are welcome to visit my modest system. Could also tour you to some of friends' not so modest ones with--Sunray, top line Kharma, Wilson, Acapella, FMA Inspiration system 1 etc. That will probably keep you very busy. :)

Bostonbean, I've got a hunch if classical is your thing then you'll most likely be very happy with the Piano Diacera. Discounted, I think they could even cost less than the Q3. Magico gives very minimal discount, and ime, have poor resale value. I now tend to prefer brands with longer lifespan--Tidal, FMA, Soulution, Avalon, TAD to name a few, at least they keep their owners less fidgety. Anyway, try auditioning both and do update your impressions. Good luck.