Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Yesterday I had the opportunity to listen to the focal utopia maesrto ........
Great speakers for you ........ what could be in the contrivas
more of the focal maerstro??
ciro71, iagree with you . the new focal utopia3 line is just amazing. they made such imprvoments over the prior models, almost totally new sepaekr. if you are considering a new speakers, anyone should listen to the mastero, scalla, stella or the grand, depends on budget and room.comparing to tidal speakers,i prefer the focal, no questions.
Quanmer, sorry can't comment much on friends' rigs (or else i'll be shown doors the next time I visit ;p), except to say that two of my favorite set-ups are *using Tidal speakers, and the other, *full FMA system.

As to your latter question, I will simplify here in order to convey just its essence. At most times during my listening sessions, the Magicos had me transfixed in seat subconsciously analyzing music/recordings (impressive in audiophile sense). Whereas, the Tidal let me sit back, relax and devour them (immersive in music lover ways). Both could be great, depending on moods.
Sorry if I insist ....... but I know that differences found between the
contrivas and focal maestro?
Hello everyone.
Ciro71 with the right associated equipment Tidals Sound pretty much like "nothing at all"! To my ears the Maestros sound artificially "thicker" in all regions! Tidals sound more elegant, less distorted I don't know how else to explain!

Happy Listening,
