Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Holenneck, I never said I knew about Jorn. I see he adds "step response" to my list and then goes to frequency response. I know that he remains very concerned with the non-resonant cabinets. As I said apart from these easy to measure characteristics, speakers are designed by listening to them. I guess you could measure cabinet resonance this rather than feel it.

Jorn is not talking about some measure of neutrality, harmonic distortion, or quality "measures" of speakers.
You said, "Measurements have not been a major consideration in any case that I know of." The fact is that you must simply not know of any real speaker designers. They ALL measure. Read this to see how Revel and Vivid do it: http://www.soundstagehifi.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=228:high-performance-loudspeakers-how-theyre-designed&catid=62:monthly-column&Itemid=3

If you know of a single _credible_ speaker that is not designed using measurements first, then please name it. I'm sorry, but you just don't seem to know about which you speak.

You are talking about what was considered best of two speakers. That would of course be subjective and as such a matter of taste.

Neutrality is different. Its an objective fact. Either the speaker is neutral or its not regardless of someones opinion.

I never wrote that there exist one universal neutrality measurement. A set of measurements much more comprehensive than what JA is using will each one show deviations from neutrality on each character the measurements show.

Technology has moved on. Todays best speakermanufacturers like Tidal, Rockport Technologies, Magico, Wilson, Anat Technologies etc rely more heavily on measurements than the top companies of the past and mostly only huse listening evaluations for confirmation purposes. In fact one of the companies most respected for top sound and neutrality is Goldmund. They have made a press release that they only do listening evaluatios to confirm single compnent choice inside their products. Everything else is done by measurements.

Listening is too unteliable because its subjective and situation related.

You are talking about what was considered best of two speakers. That would of course be subjective and as such a matter of taste.

Neutrality is different. Its an objective fact. Either the speaker is neutral or its not regardless of someones opinion.

I never wrote that there exist one universal neutrality measurement. A set of measurements much more comprehensive than what JA is using will each one show deviations from neutrality on each character the measurements show.

Technology has moved on. Todays best speakermanufacturers like Tidal, Rockport Technologies, Magico, Wilson, Anat Technologies etc rely more heavily on measurements than the top companies of the past and mostly only huse listening evaluations for confirmation purposes. In fact one of the companies most respected for top sound and neutrality is Goldmund. They have made a press release that they only do listening evaluatios to confirm single compnent choice inside their products. Everything else is done by measurements.

Listening is too unteliable because its subjective and situation related.
Roysen, I don't accept that neutrality is objective. I find it strange that you use this term, but I unaware of an neutrality meter. What are the measurements of neutrality? I assume that you would argue that there is total agreement of what are these objective measures.

You say that listening is to unreliable, yet that is all we ever use our systems for. Again I don't really know what measurements other than those I listed that might be used nor do I think they determine quality sound. If Tidal, Rockport, and YG Acoustics share the measurements of neutrality with Wilson and Magico, I put no confidence in them.