About twenty years or so before he passed Phil Woods, suffering from emphisyma, switched to Yamaha altos, a much freer blowing horn than the Selmer he had played all his career. As always, there are no free rides. The Yamaha is less resistant and freer blowing, but doesn’t have the color in the tone that the Selmer has; sounds a little bleached out like in the Vayage clip. Classic, pre-Yamaha Phil Woods tone, 1974:
https://youtu.be/t0DPCG_enHcGood analogy. To use another Classical analogy: I sometimes get tired of Woods’ effortlessness in his ideas and total command; I want to hear a little struggle. To me it’s like Richard Strauss operas. One asks oneself “how much dessert can one have?”. One impossibly gorgeous and perfect melody after another and it becomes too much.