Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :)

I don't know that much about liquor, but I know what I like.


So okay Erik serious question. Leftover pina colada. Whole blender thingy goes in the freezer. Okay. Got it. But then next night when you want more and its all frozen solid, what then? I’m thinking add more rum (a lot more rum!) which being warm (and alcohol) will loosen it right up. Which is what I’m looking for, loosened up. Or would it be better to just get it out and let it thaw while I go turn on the system. So they both warm up together?

Sir, this is Audiogon. Clearly the only solution left for you is to go to read a dozen blender reviews, then go to the Williams Sonoma website, ask a hundred questions about blenders and drinks, and then order whatever you wanted to buy in the first place.


Cooks Country rated the Breville blender as the best. And much better than the more expensive Ninja and VitaMix blenders. Waring was always considered the best blenders for years and probably still are, at least in terms of build quality and consistency. But they always used to be super expensive and not to have many features. I used to see them in labs that only had one speed. Can't say what they're like now or how much they cost.

I can tell you that the average low cost blenders you get these days will hardly mix much less blend.
New drink. Invented just about 1 hour ago. Probably invented decades ago too:

Vodka  1 oz.
Cointreau 1 oz.
Blood orange juice 1 oz.

Combine. Shake vigorously in a cocktail shaker with ice.

Pour into martini glass with a wedge of blood orange for garnish. 

Don't have a name yet. That will be Erik's job.