Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Are`nt the VAC 450 monoblock amps in the same price range?These are certainly extreme prices but of course that`s up to the buyer to decide.
dev..'obviously not for everyone......' only meant that most people do not have the discretionary income to buy amps like these...it's all relative...of course it's alot of money but.....there are amps that are more expensive ...
Hi Charles1dad,

yes the VAC Statement 450's are which I own, thanks Calloway for clarification.

Calloway i dont disagree that the Grail "can easily drive them" as you say, i Just say that this speaker needs power and a SET amp will never do them justice in terms of drive! They can be magic, but they are not driven in their full potential! I think we do not disagree on this!

Happy Listening,
