Suggest Transports that can be Demo'd at home

I'm quite happy with my system (Silverline 17.5 monitors/Wells Majestic integrated/Aqua La Voce II/Jolida JD100 (as transport) but am wondering whether I ought to purchase another transport before they're no longer available.
$3000 would be my limit, budget-wise and longevity is a big concern. Used is OK, as long as unit is M. 

I have two caveats which make this tough-- 1) as a rule, I don't purchase any gear I can't first demo at home and 2)
I'd ideally prefer something made in N. America. Of these two qualifiers, the second is negotiable, but not the first.

I could demo a Bryston BCD-3 from Audio Advisor, but I'm not sure it makes sense to pay for a unit that includes a DAC I won't use. Also, I came across a comment in the Forums that the Bryston has fatiguing highs-- a flaw I particularly abhor. And, it's considerable over my budget. 

The Moon Neo 260D is not, as far as I can tell. possible to audition at home and I read on one of the AGon transport discussion threads that the drawer is flimsy. 

The Jay's Audio products look to be very good but I didn't see anything on their site about a trial period. 

A used PS Audio is a possibility, I guess, although I read that they used Oppo transports, which are no longer being made, so that's a concern from the longevity stand-point. 

 Any other units I should be aware of ??????????????


soix: I found a short stereophile description of the two devices:
" There is now an Off-Ramp 5 asynchronous USB converter ($1299), which now has HDMI in addition to S/PDIF and i2S output"  and:
" the Synchro-Mesh reclocker ($599), which dejitters the datastream for a source such as an Apple TV, Squeezebox, or CD transport". 

Steve was the one who actually recommended the Synchro-Mesh to me on another of my A'gon threads, so that's what I went with. 

Is your description of the Bel Canto as a unit that "seems like it'll last forever" based on the drive, the casework, or ????
stuartk OP
I’m aware of the Cambridge and it may sound strange for someone with a 25K system to worry about a product being too inexpensive, but I do worry about that.

Don’t be, my systems up there too and I use the Cambridge CXC, it’s only $600aud here in Australia, but it’s a purpose built CD transport, that has very good spdif wave form (I’ve measured and see it) and said to only have 5 ps of jitter, and looking how clean the wave form is I believe that. Here’s what Lapizator (transport guru) said about it when I showed him pics of the tests.

This wave form is as perfect as it gets.
the speed is exactly 1.41 MHz.
Łukasz Fikus

The Sim Moon Neo 260D you said having a flimsy transport is that it has nothing special in the way of a transport laser mechanism, having a Sanyo SF-HD65 in it.

So one cost $600aud and the other $4000aud, with laser/transport mech that are, well as good as each other.

Some of the places you can get the Cambridge CXC from are the type of store that you can take it back to if not happy, here in AU they are in hiend stores but also in hifi chain stores that you can return to.


Cheers George
georgehifi; I was actually intimating that, as my system is relatively inexpensive, my concern about using an inexpensive transport might strike some as odd. The only two audiophile friends I have own much, much, more costly systems, so that's all I have to compare mine to.

Thanks for your input re: merits of Sim vs. Cambridge. I'm pretty clue-less when it comes to knowledge of CD drives. Here, the Sim costs 
$2000 US but, as mentioned, I haven't found an option for a home demo. 

I am aware that such an option exists for the Cambridge and from more than one online vendor but I do appreciate your input! 

@stuartk @mooglie I would highly recommend checking out CEC as others here have suggested. If you want to get in touch with the U.S. Distributor, contact Nick Gowan at gowanattsounddotcompany and he will help you. I purchased a TL-1 and it has been fantastic!

just to second the digital Apogee cable choice as that is what I am using on my C.E.C via aes/ebu right now.

pretty darn impressive for $42.