soix: I found a short stereophile description of the two devices:
" There is now an Off-Ramp 5 asynchronous USB converter ($1299), which now has HDMI in addition to S/PDIF and i2S output" and:
" the Synchro-Mesh reclocker ($599), which dejitters the datastream for a source such as an Apple TV, Squeezebox, or CD transport".
Steve was the one who actually recommended the Synchro-Mesh to me on another of my A'gon threads, so that's what I went with.
Is your description of the Bel Canto as a unit that "seems like it'll last forever" based on the drive, the casework, or ????
" There is now an Off-Ramp 5 asynchronous USB converter ($1299), which now has HDMI in addition to S/PDIF and i2S output" and:
" the Synchro-Mesh reclocker ($599), which dejitters the datastream for a source such as an Apple TV, Squeezebox, or CD transport".
Steve was the one who actually recommended the Synchro-Mesh to me on another of my A'gon threads, so that's what I went with.
Is your description of the Bel Canto as a unit that "seems like it'll last forever" based on the drive, the casework, or ????