Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?

I'm preparing to replace my SS preamp with a tube unit and have read with great interest many threads on this board. This is where I learned about Don Sachs model 2 preamps. They sound like what I'm looking for and those who own them consistently express their satisfaction with them.

Now I've just been reading and learning about the Supratek lineup. Wow. These also sound like fantastic works of art. Leaving me with a new question about which way to go. 

Thoughts? Advice? Experience? Anyone care to share?
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And god help us all when we decide equipment purchasing decisions based solely on a manufacturer’s website content.
It might help to know my perspective is also that of a service technician. I started working at the Allied Radio service department near my house the day after I graduated from high school. I continued to work in consumer repair while I put myself through college; after I got my degree I continued working consumer repair well into the 1980s.

Some equipment I serviced was extremely well-built internally and often I had to marvel at the pride that companies like MacIntosh or Tektronix obviously took in their work.  Knowing what's under the hood has always been a curiosity of mine and I still do repair work on occasion just because I enjoy it. 
A quote from the Four Tops "I can't help myself". 

I suspect this will get removed too.  So be it.  
I was an audio consultant at a HEA shop in a suburb outside DSM during high school in the mid-70’s (Ecologic Ear in Windsor Heights). The shop offered all sorts of gear, ranging from value-oriented to high end audio. I always directed customers to the “back room” showcasing the cream of the store’s offerings, because I wanted them to hear what HEA sounded like, even if they might not be able to afford it. Nobody ever asked me to open up a piece of gear to see the inner wiring arrangement.