Graduating to separates need help

Graduating to separates need help
I currently have a Marantz SR 18 receiver  that was feeding and Adcom GFA 555 that has been modified. my SR 18 had a memory issue and the local shop messed up the micro processor and I can’t set my speakers to large now in the menu
I also have a Denon AVR 5600 receiver which I’m using now and there is no comparison in the sound the Marantz destroys the Denon

I don’t know enough about preamplifiers to buy a good used one I need something with good DAC  
the DAC chips in the Marantz sounded phenomenal. should I just buy another SR 18 and feed it to a better amplifier or should I jump to a parasound preamp P6 and buy a better amplifier I was looking at some Bryston amplifiers which I really like but my budget is not big I want to keep my budget around 2000.  I don’t mind used.  I just want better sound than the sr18 adcom setup.  Any suggestions 
I guess I need help choosing a good preamp w built in DACs   Something better than the marantz
So you are still doing integrated gear, but just splitting it up differently.

In your case you are combining the DAC with the preamp, and looking for a separate amp.

In your budget I would instead suggest you go the other way. Get a separate DAC, and get a good integrated. Like right now A’gon has a nice Ayre integrated for $1,500. That leaves you $500 for a DAC.


I have heard some excellent Adcom GFA555s with mods, and not sure what mods yours has, but if your amp has been overhauled, you can still use it and concentrate on a preamp and separate dac. Enjoy ! MrD.
I believe at your price point, unless you require separates for system arrangement, you should consider an integrated amplifier. Many have onboard DACs. I would be more inclined to purchase a separate DAC.  What sources do you input to your DAC?