What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?

Assuming cost no object, equipment matching no issue, wife no opinion, what are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna own and what is (are) your current speaker(s)?

Don’t worry about being the best ... nor most expensive ... they could be something you’ve never tried yet, and you feel intensely curious about...

(if you feel you already own your dream speakers, just state so, for our education?)

My top 3 (in any order)
YG Exquisite Extreme Grand limited
Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic
YG Sonja XV

What I have now (in any order)
Kharma CRM 3.2 FE
Wilson 3/2
Western Electric 10D (odd isn’t it?)


In no particular order or reason:

Shahinian Hawks or Diapason

Gradient Revolution or 1.4

Duevel Bella Luna or Sirius

I am shocked none have mentioned Scaena Acoustics which combine elegant art with wonderful music playback

Unlike most of the recommendations here so far, the Scaenas are slim and although tall, their slimness makes them virtually disappear.. I have a large room and no WAF, I have owned very physically imposing speakers (Accoustat 2 + 2s and Magnepan 3.5Rs) and because of their width, I don’t like how they cut up my large room. Maggie 30.7s might give the Scaenas a run for the money at < half the price, but since they would really be claustrophobic to me, and money is no object here..

I can tell you this having seen and heard them, they look much better than the website photos, which IMHO, don’t quite capture their 3D elegance.
I have Cornscala's now but my ultimate is Klipsch Jubilees with my HH Scott tube amp. Heaven!!!