How good is your system

Can you clearly hear the whispers on Seal's Future Love Paradise?
The government research that was being conducted in the 1950's at Groom Lake, NV was actually development of my audio system. The whole UFO/Flying Saucer thing was a cover up. The result was a transporter device that looks like a stereo, but it can take me to any live musical event I wish. "Men in black" were the techs who would come at night to my home via spaceship prototypes in order to do upgrades. That's where Best Buy got the idea for the Geek Squad. 

My system is clearly better than millercarbon, I can also often hear Sting, Stewart and Andy walking on the moon!
Da doo doo doo, da daa daa daa is all I want to say to you!

I worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 60s in a pink stucco building with no windows right down the street from Operation Bluebook. As I was investigating unidentified re-entry vehicle dynamics I had the rare opportunity to interview the alien the Air Force was keeping in the AF Medical Research building.
Since my last post, Chuck Norris stole my system.

I will have to consider asvjerry's offer now.
My system is so good that my pet parrot now keeps whispering “Paradise, Paradise, Paradise....”