Tidal Speakers owners

Could you please write your impressions about the Tidal speakers you currently own ? I will probably buy the Tidal Piano Cera in the near future so I would appreciate your feedback...
Johngp, how soon will you receive your Piano Ceras? I think my Piano Diaceras may be shipping within a week!
Not sure of an exact ship date but Jorn was thinking sometime in June but June is almost gone. :( I'm in no big rush(though I am excited to see/hear & touch them), I'm sure he'll get those babies out soon. Have you received your Diaceras yet?
My Piano Diaceras have shipped and I expect to have them late next week. You will love your Piano Ceras. Did they have any break-in at the factory as far as you know?
Hey Tidalist folks,

I've just taken delivery of the Contriva Diacera SE in gloss piano black and am very glad to join the camp of Tidalist finally after quite some wait to have this come true for me.

Setup this pair in quite a small room by most standard(11ft width by 15ft depth and 10ft height). Room's ceiling is fully treated with Vicoustic diffusors, helmholtz traps and absorbers in the mid ceiling. These treatments certainly help in a small room.

To my surprise, I am getting very defined and detailed bass without booming from the tracks played so far, live orchestra or low drum pieces.

Apart from the bass, am very impress by how natural and lively the mids and highs are presented. Whole spectrum of frequency flowed in a very balanced, enjoyable and addictive experience.
At current spot, measuring from the center/front of the woofers, they are about 4ft from the front wall and 2ft from the side wall, toed in almost fully pointing to the listing position which is about 9ft away. I've plugged in the jumper and lower bass ports to have the most linear sound production of highs and lows. Tried other config but this gives the most enjoyable & addictive experience.

Always looking forward to pushing the play button to start the flow of music and emotion....


My Piano Diaceras will arrive on Monday!! Epic2776 congrats on your purchase. I am amazed that you are able to shoehorn the Contriva successfully into such a small space. My room is approximately the same size and it is on the small size for the Pianos IMO. If you move to a larger room you will get better bass performance and soundstaging.