hifidreamYes Steve, the AHB2 has one power supply for both channels.
Was my thinking totally off?
By having one amp playing one speaker, one channel for highs and the other for lows, then the total power supply’s stored energy (joules) of that amp has all it’s energy available for just one bass driver on big transients. Instead of sharing it for two bass units horizontal bi-amping the way you have it. The highs don’t take much out out the supply. Buy vertically bi-amping these instead of horizontally, you should hear a marked improvement in the lower mids and bass, highs should remain the same.
It would be a different story if the stereo amp was true dual mono construction, with 2 transformers and completely dual mono power supply. Then it would make no difference if it were vertically or horizontally bi-amped.
Cheers George