Blue Jeans Cable Sound Good???

When people say Blue Jeans cables sound good.... what are they comparing them to?

Because the pair I just got sound pretty crappy....  compared to AQ King Cobra XLR / Emotiva XLR

Not trying to troll... I'm serious. What are these being compared to? Sounds like a thick layer of distortion hanging over my speakers...
ieales, I have a question a bit off subject. I installed cat6a shielded thru out my home. I bought a shielded patch panel and when connecting the  cat6a the shield of the cable is fastened to the panel. A ground cable is connected to the panel which drains off any interference in the shield.  Why is that not the same for audio?  I just asking because I'm a bit confused? I realize shielding stops interference, should that be drained of into ground.  I am a newb just trying to understand.  Ty
CAT cables are balanced end to end. The patch panel is grounded, but the cable shield is not connected at the source / destination equipment end.

When the screen is connected at one end only in twin or star-quad, it functions as an electrostatic shield and does not carry any signal current. A typical RCA coax carries current in the shield - not a good idea.

Lots of audio gear is badly grounded. Manufacturers add 3 prong power to unbalanced equipment 0v and presto, ground loop.
I’ve never heard and extended ground or shield, as in unconnected at the destination end...I’ve never heard one sound good.

To get to a good sound quality, the ground loop has to be corrected at the equipment level, not the cable level.

As for shield and ground being different, yes. but for simplicity’s sake, I stated it the way I did.

Never heard a single shielded cable sound any good, in the realm of unbalanced, or single ended.

Fix the system as it can’t be properly addressed at the cable level. If one tries to fix it with the cable connectivity end of the deal, one is asking too much and doing it in the wrong ways.

Just my experience.....
I cam see the sense of it with MM/MC signals and microphone level signals, but one has to be careful with the mechanical of the cable design.

With line level field bloom and intensities, we get to a point of interference/interaction with signal by the ground/shield. This makes the cables sound plain bad. In such a case, fix the room, fix the interference, fix the design flaws....and go with unshielded cables.
All Teo audio cables are unshielded and unscreened.

I took a 8M balanced liquid metal cable(GC balanced), totally unshielded.... and placed it mixed in with 6-7 different active AC power cords, into a high gain integrated, and high sensitivity speakers.. Volume potntiometer wrapped right around..wide open...and..not one single bit of detectable hum or noise, or interference of any kind. Just..transistor noise.
@ teo_audio

Most recording studios are wired as I explained. 
Isolated ground receptacles with earth home run to central star.
Grounds are never connected to shield - nor should they ever be.

Screen will do nothing for hum - except introduce it by creating a loop.

There is nothing unusual about having interconnects mixed with power cords. Almost every system on the planet operates thus. Running power and signal cables at right angles will do wonders for hum reduction.

I find it interesting that Teo cables are directional. Since conductors are liquid, and by definition liquids are in constant molecular motion, how in blazes can they be directional? Answer not required!
I found the BJC very dull and veiled when compared to the Signal cable, and the Mogami I had here at the same time.
I preferred them both for entry level cables.