What is an Audiophile? Here's the list for newbies.

An audiophile would spend a full day listen to just 1 track over and over

An audiophile would skip family dinner to stay with his audio system (if he had a choice)

An audiophile would stare in a space between the front speakers for hours

An audiophile will constantly find way to improve his system. (Once he found it, he became a music lover)

An audiophile would prefer a stereo 2-ch as his main system

An audiophile would not use a passive or active equalizer

An audiophile would drive a shitty car that’s worth less than his speaker cables

An audiophile may had tried an interconnect cable’s that cost more than his cdp

An audiophile would avoid using an additional active powered subwoofer

An audiophile will have a collection of CDs or records of instrumental music and classical, jazz, vocals more than today's hip hop, country, gospel, new age, disco.

An audiophile will not engage to his co-worker's newly purchased home theater set up

An audiophile will not own 1 complete brand new system purchased from the store in his life time

An audiophile in America will have an AudioGon account

So, are you an audiophile?

*** This is just for fun so have fun and thank you for reading.
An Audiophile gets upset when a guest comes to their house and doesn't comment at all on their stereo system

        An audiophile can not be played using iTunes.

to raise the blood pressure of an Audiophile mention Bose.

An Audiophile believes everything in his or her house is there on audition/approval,including pets, and spouses.

an Audiophile always believes the grass will be greener with the next component.

An Audiophile has both a dedicated listening room and a delivery ramp for the house.

an Audiophile knows all of his FED EX & UPS drivers family names and birthdays.

a true audiophile will arrange his or her honeymoon or vacation at the same hotel of an Audio Expo.

an audiophile music library will never be big enough.

An audiophile gets a second mortgage for speakers, and not for a pool and deck.

an audiophile buys stuff they can't afford, with money they ain't got, to impress people they haven't even met yet.

an audiophile will buy the best of everything they can, before they ever address acoustic treatments for the listening room.

an audiophile ignores the insane prices of their electronics to help preserve their own sanity.

audiophiles never argue about the efficacy or science of wires, they simply know somehow they do matter.

audiophiles post threads asking for feedback all the while they already know what they will do.

Audiophiles refuse to get off the treadmill even after arriving at audio nirvana.
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