Education: Best place for Audio Engineering?

I'm currecntly an undergrad student at the University of Kentucky with a amjor of electrical engineering (and minors in
mechanical engineering and math). I'm very interested in audio
engineering-particularly speaker design- and it has been my goal all along to do graduate work in the audio engineering field. However, I can't really find universities offering programs in the field. There are a great number of professionals in the audio engineering field, and surely these professionals are receiving some type of specialized education
in the field. I'm just wondering, is there some sort of educational haven for audio engineering that I'm just not aware of? Or do people simply do things like interships with corporations? I simply have no idea where to start!

Thanks for your input,

Nicholas Jackson
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See if Georgia Tech is still running an audio engineering department. Dr. Marshall Leach ran it before he passed away and I haven't kept up.

Professor Leach at Georgia Tech was definitely not a big fan of some audiophile tweaks. If I am not mistaken he took particular umbrage at the Intelligent Chip as well as your humble scribe, who was pushing it at the time, circa 2005. Professor Leach was what we call a ones and zeros kind of guy. 
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We have a family member who got a Masters from Berklee in Boston in this area and he has been steadily employed in the five years since