CEC CD3100 CD player tray belt, puzzled indeed!

Hope somebody has a good educated guess at what the issue is here because it has baffled me so far.

I bought a CEC CD3100 belt drive cd player as non working item.

Got it and as I suspected it was the belt for the tray door, in this case it was so stretched it was just slipping on the drive capstan. A quick down and dirty fix was to cut it and tie it back together in a knot which actually worked surprisingly well and allowed me to play cds to prove it was worth going further.

Could not find anywhere the exact size of said belt so measuring the one I had  ( before I cut and knotted) and deducting approx. 15% for stretch ( figure most sites seemed to state was normal stretch), I ordered a rubber belt from eBay.

Now when this arrived it actually fit perfectly and the tray flies in and out tout suite and I thought my job was done.

Ha, if life was only that simple!

After putting the top cover back on and fitting back into the system cued up the first cd and... nothing!

It spins the cd, reads the tracks and total time but then will not play at all.

Replacing the new belt with the old knotted one and it reads and plays cds again just fine!

My best guess so far is that maybe the new belt is a little too thick ( it was the thinnest cross section one I could find but it is a fair bit thicker than the original).

Now how or why that stops it playing the actual cd I have no idea.

Which is where I hope somebody much smarter than me comes in..... please.. lol.

Unfortunately in the big city, (lol), stores like Home Despot and Lowe's have put all the little mom and pop hardware stores out of business.

Our Ace hardware closed about 7 years ago and when I asked at our Home Despot if they had a selection of o-rings  you would have thought I was asking for cocaine by the look on his face!

So it is what it is.....
Have you considered having Origin Live the turntable company make you a belt to your specifications?
Not really.
As I do not know the exact size and specifications of the original belt that would be very difficult.

One thing for sure the original belt is a lot softer and more stretchy than anything I have tried so far.

However that also could be old age impacting its properties as well.

For now the down and dirty fix of original belt is still working!
Uber, I have that player. If I'm not mistaken, the transport has a magnetic locking mechanism that firmly holds the CD against the spindle. The magnetic locking is actuated when the tray closes and pushes it. Check if with the problematic belt, the tray is moving back to the correct person when closed.