Since the JBL 4367 is not a very popular large speakers( compare to B&W, Wilson Audio, Focal,....), you won’t get as many first hand advices. I am one of the few who own the JBL 4367 and am using a Mcintosh MAC7200 integrated (200Watt/Channel SS amp). It’s very warm and musical. But not the quickest and most analytical amp on the market. My listening sessions are usually 2-3 hours nonstop daily and on lower volumes, I prefer this warm and polite amp.
I picked Mcintosh simply because when I search JBL 4367 on YouTube, it’s mostly powered by either Mark Levinson or Mcintosh on high end audio shows. If the manufacturers uses Those two amps, they must be good matches . Don’t you agree? But if you have the luxury to try out different amps before you buy go for it .