speaker repair

I have 25 year old Wilson X-1 Series 1 speakers. The speakers still are great but the rubber on all the speakers are degrading. Does anyone know of a speaker repair facility in the metro NYC area. It would have to be a facility that would either repair the speakers at my house or that would remove all the woofers to be repaired at their facility then returned and remounted. Each Series 1 is about 600 ibs which is why the whole speaker cannot be removed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Wow, you would think Wilson would have used better materials. Did you have them in the sun? Call the people at Parts Express. They are closely related to Dayton
and I do believe they have a driver remanufacturing program. Also, why not call Wilson and give them hell.  speakers that expensive should last a lifetime.
... call Wilson and give them hell.
Giving a manufacturer hell is not a wise approach if you expect good service in return. That's especially true when seeking support on a 25-year-old product, regardless of the price originally paid for it.
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