High Efficiency Speakers Your top 3 or more

Not taking cost or musical preferences into account what are the top 3 high efficiency speakers you've ever heard, overall?
You are correct on Tonian. The 12.1 w/ copper voice coils are $11,900.

I'm totally lost on the Audio Note models and prices. I just can't make heads or tails of them. perhaps I'll call Audio Federation which is who displayed them at RMAF. It seems like the base models are fairly affordable and the high end model is the same basic speaker with upgraded parts. I can't imagine what they could do though to add $40,000 though. Even Tony's PHY drivers, which are some fairly expensive around, can be had at Madisound for a few thousand each.

I thought that model they had at RMAF was the same one I heard at their showroom which they told me was $50k+. They must have brought something else. Every time I was in their room at RMAF they were blaring rock music to show how well they can do rock music. That really turned me off and sent me moving on. If I wanted to play rock music I sure wouldn't be looking at Audio Notes. :)
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Tvad, did you note the differences between the $7500 audio notes and the $50000 ones, design and sound wise, while at the show?
I was only in the large room then, and they were blaring something pretty loud. I think it was Van Halen. I don;t have anything against Van Halen or ZZ Top but hard rock makes up a small part of my listening these days. I recently had some Harbeths and felt for acoustic music and jazz they were excellent. For Radiohead, not so much. That's pretty much how I felt about the Audio Notes the first time I heard them. Did I create a false impression?
The Tonian TL-D1 that everyone considers a bargain, have a frequency response of 42Hz-40KHz. Limited bass response."

Yes the specs indicate that and I would say they are accurate. I would also say that with proper placement and adjustment of the bass port, the bass sounded like that produced by my Spendor 1/2e. Something I can easily live with.

Prior to buying my Audiokinesis speakers I looked hard a Dru Zuids and Audio Note AN/E. Logically, I always thought the Audionote would be a logical progression of my love for the Spendor sound, but with deeper bass. I will own a pair someday, but not yet.

I consider the Tonian TL-D1's a poor man's AN/E in some respects. However, you can get an AN/E kit and if you're handy put it together for around $3k. Now that would be something.