however, it was not a night and day difference to my existing BAT VK-3i.I had the BAT 31SE in the 2002-2005 years and loved it......until I heard the Aesthetix Callisto Signature in my system. Such is progress, right!
The 31SE would certainly be a night and day difference to the 3i. The 31SE was a significant step up from my long time (7 years) reference ARC LS5 II and III with that product's great 3D but the BAT had much more extended and smooth bass and a presentation back at the speakers and behind vs. the in-your-face ARC presentation.
The 31SE pops up from time to time in the $2300 or so range. And if you use the phono board in the 3i, the 31SE supports that too. So keep your eyes out for it....or perhaps its successors 32SE or 33SE which I have no experience with. Oh, and I have a mono pair of 600SE amps driving Sound Lab A1s and the pairing is outstanding so I can understand your excitement with your new BAT amp. Congratulations on your purchase.