Axpona 2019

List your best stops on Friday. Lobby bar not included.

1. Sanders
2. Spatial
3. Vimberg 

I am barely 1/2 thru as of Friday eve.

I need yours asap for the weekend please.
In no particular order:
  • Zesto Audio with Marten speakers
  • Martin Logan Renaissance with Constellation amp
  • Paradigm Persona 3F with Anthem room correction 
This was my first time hearing panels and I thought they had the most spacious sound I heard all day. Covered floors 1 through 4.

In no particular order:

Martin Logan Renaissance
Von Schweikert, VAC, TechDAS   Room 2-Euphiora
Vandersteen, Audio Reasearch, AudioQuest.   Room 690
Unfortunately, I cannot attend Axpona and am asking if Anyone has visited the Ayre Acoustics booth #8331?   Any comments and listening experience on their EX-8 integrated amp would be appreciated?  Thanks.  
Atohm speakers room! 
Eikon speakers. 
Paradigm and Anthem. 
Magico and Classe.
B&W 800d3 room. 

 So many great ones this year. Just a few of my favorites.
Axpona has been fantastic this year. The app is very helpful but could use at least one additional feature. It would be great to sort bookmarked exhibitors by floor. There were so many great sounding rooms. However, I am not on the lookout for great sounding rooms this year, though I have heard lots. I am looking to network with the companies whose equipment/cables I own and may want to own.  In particular, on my to do list was to get a pair of MrSpeakers at meeting pricing (done), and shop for a Roon core alternative to the Nucleus/+ or the Nucleus/+ itself. I checked out Innuos and Wolf so far. Great meeting and the best tips were here just before the meeting. Start at the 16th floor and work your way down via the stairs. Also make a list of the vendors you want to see. Fremer’s turntable demo was good too.  Great meeting. Enjoy!