”sound prison” is right. Hard to escape.
”sound prison” is right. Hard to escape.
The music’s the thing but....
Remember Christmas and the excitement? Ever notice how the new affects everyone and then gradually wears off? When I was younger car stereo was everything, as I aged I found myself listening less and less to the car radio although I do not spend the time I use to on the road. With the home system, internet radio or FM stays in the back ground. Those moments I decide to listen to something of my choosing, I now find myself with a smile and quite satisfied with what I have. No more chasing tweaks, unless of course, I run across something at a price I cannot pass up...*chuckles |
Music needn’t be so ephemeral. It can be timeless. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-xpm-2013-mar-06-la-et-ms-catacombo-sound-system-takes... |
I’ve never been in "sound prison" with the exception of HEA Shows. I think the sound is terrible at these trade shows. I’m always amazed at the reporting that comes in about HEA Trade Shows and their sound, yikes! You know who else never liked the sound at the trade shows? JGH. Funny funny man when it came to his behind the scenes comments. mg |