Doing the Power Cord Thing

Hey everyone,

So as you all know, I'm a DIY kind of guy when it comes to cables and speakers. I'll be building a new power cable using affordable parts from Parts Connexion and DH Labs:


They'll look nice, at least! :)

Testing will occur on the very last, new, Luxman 507ux in the United States.Will I hear anything at all? Or will this be just a wasted hour and wasted $100 assembling a cable?
It was a couple of months ago, dont remember the brand. Was from audio store and on sale from 749.00 to 499.00
Hey pcc67 -

I seriously wonder if sometimes these gadget cables aren’t made the entirely wrong way. I mean, to transmit MORE noise.

Ideally we want 60 Hz and nothing else. Copper does great. Using Litz or fancy conductors, etc is the opposite of what I want my power cables to do, and yet, a lot of what I read are like this. Building power cables like high bandwidth interconnects is the wrong approach, but that's what sells.

Maybe you got cables which helped transmit, or were more susceptible to EMI/RFI ?
Quite possible, maybe it had silver in it.  Whatever it was made my highs almost ear bleeding at high volume.  Put my original cord back and problem solved.  If I was to build a power cable I would make it 12/3 and good connector.  I was at audio store this weekend and a guy I met there said he uses a power conditioner,  I guess the same as hospitals use and it works. He said he bought it from Amazon for about 600.  I'm thinking maybe that's the place to invest if u already have everything else. 
I am a believer in DIY for certain things and save the cash for equipment.  Cables seem pretty easy to make. 
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with DIY. I’ve done my share. But why on Earth do folks do things by halves? If you’re going to make DIY power cords please, gentle readers, the least you can do is cryogenically treat them and try to figure out which direction they should be BEFORE you attach the connectors. Don’t forget a nice, long break in period.  And suspend them. I don’t know how you guys tolerate all the distortion. Seriously.