Help Me Choose Better 5-Channel Amp

Our home theater has evolved from a home theater only into a hybrid HT/2-channel system. Both the HT and the 2-channel perform very well and overall I am very pleased with the outcome. But I would like to improve what I perceive to be the weak link when it comes to 2-channel listening. Right now I am using an Anthem Statement A5, a good match for the Anthem AVM50 and great for HT sound. But when I listen to 2-channel, I believe the sound could be improved with a better amp. I would prefer to upgrade the amp rather than buy a separate 2-channel amp and switch back and forth. When listening to 2-channel in this system, the other components are the Well Tempered Amadeus TT with a Dynavector XX2 LOMC cartridge, Levinson 390S CDP, Audio Research PH7 phono stage, Audio Research Ref 3 preamp, and Verity Fidelio Encore speakers. ICs are Aud23 and the speaker cable is Chord's Epic Twin.

Any suggestions for a better 5-channel amp that will improve the 2-channel listening experience?

Which areas of the audio do you wish to improve upon? Or what would you like to wind up with sonically with this newer amp?
Some 2 channel amps like the current Musical Fidelity A-1 have a home theater bypass.
Blindjim - Fair question, and one that I should have addressed in my post. I have a preference for tube amps, or amps that have as much of a tube signature as possible without compromising microdynamics and bass slam/weight. Better imaging and transparency would be welcome. I hooked up my Accuphase P-3000 from another system and there it was - the sound I was looking for. But even if Accuphase makes a 5-channel amp, I don't want to spend that kind of money. But the Accuphase was definitely superb.

Vernneal - An audio friend also suggested I consider the McIntosh MC206, adding "if you can find someone willing to part with it." I infer from his comment that they are hard to come by, but I will certainly consider it.