The music’s the thing but....

Yes, the music is the thing.  But before we became engrossed in this crazy hobby, it was the ONLY thing.  Now, I can’t listen to music on my system without the SOUND entering into the equation.  Unless it’s a patently historic recording, or mono, my enjoyment of the music is tempered by what the sound is like.  That was never the case before.  I can’t seem to enjoy the music if the sound isn’t right.  What a pity that is.
The music should come first, but unfortunately, it doesn’t.
 If I’m listening on a car radio or something, the problem doesn’t exist.
 Zoom, right to the music!
Such is the nature of our obsession.
In my experience as musician and audiophile I’ve led a dual life.
I started out playing the piano and listening to a table radio on which I learned a good deal of music without concern for fidelity. I could fill in the missing sonic gaps with my imagination.  I then met a friend who had a hifi system and my way of listening to recorded music gradually changed until I could no longer really listen to the music without concern for the sound. 
Now, I no longer play, but I bring that same obsession with perfection I had as a musician to my listening, which, of course, is absurd.  I have no control over how a disc is recorded, yet I have the same need to “improve” it, a sure recipe for craziness.
The fact is most people dont know what is a minimally natural or minimally musical sound, they are perpetually unsatisfied.
Audiophiles often have GAS (Gear Acquire Syndrome) and/or Gardener's Syndrome (constant need to repot and trim).

I have much the same problem less the playing .FWIW I find the best done material is where its done for love first and foremost , the Early Music world .