I wan't the best in this price range

Hello FriendsI'm after new speakers, with bass and slam??.my music taste, is rock, new wave, rock jazz, mail vocals etc!!At the moment I'm running a pair of Zu, souls MK 2, they were great with a tube amp, but I'm running them though a pair of Solid State mono blocks, 175 ohm per mono block, the sound is a bit on the harsh sound overall, but not on all recordings!!I have two, speakers, that I would think, would do the job, I will list them below!!, just keep in mine, I only listen to two channel music, not home theartre !!
1. Golden Ear Triton fives2. Definitve Technology BP 9060Both of these are available in Australia!!3. Eminent Technology  LFT-8bIf I just open a can of worms, so be itFriends Whats your thought'sRegardsDavid
I have tried Zu Union's (earlier than the Souls) and Omen Bookshelves.
Both were close, but never as good as Vandersteens.
I thought having a non-crossover design might be a positive, but found the time and phase aligned speaker to be much more desirable.
 If you like the Zu's,
I would give the Vandy's a listen.
You can't go wrong with ACT, try the SCM50 PSLT (passive) or if you can afford it the SCM50 ASLT (active) I just spent 3 hours last Friday at Axpona listening to both of these and they just blew me away if I could afford them I would buy them in an instant.You need to listen to these and they are available in Australia.
You can read what I wrote about the LFT-8B at Dagogo.com
This panel is distinctly different than the others. May not rock as hard, but more high end sensibility, imo. If I had a hard limit of 2K the one I owned would likely be the LFT-8B
Not knowing your budget but your taste, I'd take a look at JBL. The new L100 and the 4319 are the exact same price but I'd lean towards the L100 since it has a pulp paper midrange driver like it's base unit. 

I have the 4319 which uses Mag/Al for the mid and tweeter units and all is well but I'd like to hear the L100 nonetheless. They're both speakers that you can "set and forget' and just enjoy the music.

All the best,
Why are you blaming the speakers for being harsh? It could be caused by your amps/dacs/cartridge or any source that you might be using.