Does this exist? Preamp/Streamer/DAC with MQA, Roon and more

I'm looking for a particular set of features that seem to be very hard to find in a stereo (2.1) product. My budget is preferably around $2,500 but there is some flexibility. Here's what I would like:

Must have
-Network streamer
-Roon endpoint
-MQA compatible (not interested in your opinion of MQA)

Want to have
-HDMI inputs/output for video switching only and 2 channel audio (to allow TV sound through stereo)
-Room correction
-Subwoofer management

I recently purchased the newly released NAD C658 which, when adding the optional HDMI module, covers every must have and want to have (Dirac room correction is coming in a later FW update) for a total of $1,800. Perfect! The problem is that so far the thing sounds lousy. I'm trying to let it burn in more and see if Dirac comes and makes it better, but it's not looking good after the first few days. The DAC seems to be the problem. It seems to suffer from audible time smearing and sounds too clinical and harsh so I am suspect about Dirac helping with that.

I've also seen the SimAudio Moon 390 but it's $5,300 and doesn't have room correction or subwoofer management. On the less expensive end, SimAudio also has the Moon Ace for $2,900 which has the same features as the 390, minus the HDMI inputs. I'd use the preouts to my own amp since the Ace is an integrated amp.

Then there is the Aurender A10. It costs even more than the Moon 390 and doesn't have HDMI inputs.

Cambridge Audio has some well regarded streamers but they aren't Roon compatible.

Finally, there is the PS Audio DirectStream and DirectStream Junior. I recently purchased the DSJr since it can be had close to my budget and while it sounds incredible as a streamer and DAC, it's not viable as a preamp. I spoke to PS Audio about this and they recommend using a separate preamp for the DS and especially for the Jr. I can't remember exactly why but they told me the signal to noise ratio when used straight into an amp wasn't ideal. I tested this myself and found that the DSJr sounded better even running through a Marantz AV receiver as preamp than it did straight into my amp (the receiver uses pre-outs to the same amp). I don't want to run a DSJr through a Marantz receiver and if I blow the budget on the DAC, I won't be able to get a capable preamp worthy of mating with it. Plus I'm really trying to get down to fewer boxes.

Are there any other options out there that I'm missing?
@mgrif104 I heard the NAD M12/M22 combo and it was shockingly good. Do you stream directly from Ethernet to the M12? If so can you use ROON that way or do you need to use a NAD app?

A second question is what amps have you tried with the M12?

I agree that the M12 is quite good (after burn in!).  I run it with the M22 amp - also quite good.  Many will dismiss them because of the topology, but they’re missing out.

I currently stream via Ethernet to a Bluesound Node 2.  I have not used Roon but that is a viable option as I have a souped up Mac Mini inserted into the network that would more than suffice as a Roon core and the Node 2 works as an endpoint.  

Based on your comments here (and from a different thread), perhaps I’m better just upgrading the Node 2 instead of complicating things by going to something like the Linn Select DSM.  I think I’ll still explore it but am encouraged by what you suggest here.

FWIW, based on additional research including suggestions from people on this thread, I ended up returning the NAD C 658 and upping my budget significantly to purchase a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400. So far I am impressed with the Lyngdorf. Dirac still is not available on the C 658, so I was unable to compare the sound with room correction, but the Lyngdorf sounds significantly better than the NAD without using any room correction. Once I turn on RoomPerfect it goes way beyond. I guess that's to be expected given that the Lyngdorf is more than 4 times the price of the NAD. You definitely do get a lot of features for the price with the NAD, and perhaps the NAD M10 is the ultimate value/performance intersection. Wish I had gotten a chance to try that one out as well. Apparently Dirac was just released for it today.
Hey guys, just found this thread. I have a Node 2i but wondered what it would sound like with Dirac. So this week I got a NAD C 658. Like what @jnehma1 mentioned, even with the new 3.4.3 firmware, it appears that it still does not support Dirac. I’ve opened a ticket with NAD but they have yet to reply. For those considering the unit, I will also tell you that it currently doesn’t show up as an Airplay2 device, like the Node 2i does. So yeah, we have some outstanding issues. Airplay2 and Dirac aside, my guess is I couldn’t pass a blind test vs the Node 2i. As a sidenote, having a handheld remote control that also changes the volume in Roon is pretty cool though.
This seems unlike NAD. This is not great product support and makes one wonder if there isn't some sort of issue with DIRAC support for the C658.