Axpona 2019

List your best stops on Friday. Lobby bar not included.

1. Sanders
2. Spatial
3. Vimberg 

I am barely 1/2 thru as of Friday eve.

I need yours asap for the weekend please.
@audiotroy  The Golden Ear Triton 1R were in our mind one of the standouts for the money for $6k they sounded totally different then the sound we associated with Golden Ear which tends to be either too bright or too boomy. The soundstage was huge, the bass tight and the top end was balanced. Was it the room the gear the new model?
You're the second I've heard from that said the Triton 1r's were the best at the show for the money. What were the Triton's hooked up to? I've seen them use Primaluna amps at some shows. I'm wondering because I have Triton 2's. When I had them hooked up to a 200wpc solid state amp I wasn't that impressed. I thought they were also too bright or artificial sounding in the highs and boomy in the bass. When I hooked them up to my Primaluna Dialogue integrated they are much more compelling and enjoyable. I'm not saying the Triton 2's or 1r's aren't good speakers. I've just noticed mine sound much better using tube amplification and I wonder if that's what was being used at Axpona.

Funny how taste is so individual. The Tritons sounded mechanical to me. I heard all the notes, but not in a way I found particularly pleasing. For me, they would be a top choice in a home theater to reproduce movie sonics. They aren't terrible-hell they are good- just not my cup of tea. 
 I can honestly say that many of us seasoned veterans can walk in a room and know, immediately, if the system has potential, and in what way the room has influenced what we are hearing ( yes, with or without music we are familiar with ). Plus, we all know how significant it is to dial in a pair of speakers to a room, for a sweet spot. Not enough time when setting up for a show. Been there, done that.