Why not use a non-contact stylus on a turntable?

I read comments about static-free playback of LPs with some amount of satisfaction.

When CDs were introduced, I quit worrying about the mechanics and started enjoying the music. More so with computer audio.

However, lots of folks like vinyl .... apparently. ;<)

Why not take all the worry, wringing of hands, and frustration out of the equation by insisting on touch-free stylus technology?

What is the technology? Hell if I know! But if nerds can sample the bits on a CD, they can sure as heck track the grooves on an LP!

Not only track the grooves, but filter out the grunge!

Play your oldest vinyl in complete background silence!

Put technology to work on vinyl! You’ll breathe easier for it.

Kind regards,

Now that that's settled can we get on to the serious question of magnetically levitating and driving the platter?
Your sugar cube is nothing but a digital filter. I thought you guys/gals wanted to eschew the binary domain?

I'm suggesting some basic improvement. Your existing stylus to audio technology is no more/no less than the original Edison concept. Logical, but not earth changing.

How about magnetically levitating the stylus?

How about levitating and lubricating the stylus via rare lubricating gas?

How about spherical resolution from the grooves, instaed of a 'pointy thing'?

Do y'all EVER think outside the box?

Two tin cans and a string. It's been around a while. Your stylus is the tin can. Get over it and make linear audio via LPs what it can be!

Or, acccept its mediocrity. Your problem, not mine.

Kind regards,


Okay Greg, outside the box. Tell us all about your rare lubricating gas.
The bummer about the "mediocrity" is that when it's good, it's better than "binary."
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