3D Bluray players and Tvs

The Samsung rep set up a new 46" 3D flat pannel along with the 3D BR player at local shop and the 3D set up drawed a lot of attention. While I am not an early adopter, I cound not thinking about all my BR players from Pio Elite, Denon and Onkyo would be obsolete soon.

What do you think?
Sure it's a fad.......right...hmmmm, the NFL in 3D? Discovery channel 3D...yup, it's a fad, no doubt.....


They'll always be someone who says no...
3D is here to stay I'm sure until holographic TV takes it's place.
I have a couple of 3D movies that I have watched on the TV and DVD player I now own.
I thought Bluray was a big improvement over DVD. I am not yet convinced by early demonstrations I have seen that the 3D "experience" is more enjoyabble. Avatar was spectacular in 3D IMAX, but the medium does not translate well to the smaller screen and the living room. Good luck to the Manufacturers on this one. Remember Quadraphonic???