Tekton tweeter design

Hi everyone,

I found a cool, fact filled thread with some smart DIY'ers over at the DIYAudio forum about how the Tekton tweeter arrays are wired and how they work.

Kind of interesting in how they were innovative in some ways, and in others did some questionable things. Reminds me of Infinity, who developed crazy crossovers in large part by ear, which we can now really improve upon. Still good sounding, but in hind sight we wonder about them.


Please, keep your flames over here on Audiogon. :)
How do I know that Tekton's designer has his act together?  Because the drivers in my Tekton Enzo 2.7s are dirt cheap, yet they sound pretty good.  A perfect example of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts.  Now, if they would produce a speaker that was the size of my Enzos or the size of the Impact Monitors with quality drivers (maybe some kind of Be or Diamond tweeter) this company would be very hard to beat.  
Wouldn't they sound better with a single really good tweeter then a bunch of cheap ones?
We are back to pricing the steak at the restaurant.

These are relatively inexpensive soft domes, but very nicely performing. Probably perform much better than a lot of micro-motor tweets in famous named kilobuck speakers out there.

The interesting part of the array, @soundsrealaudio, is the large planar wave front. It can narrow dispersion, and increase clarity at the listening location. So it acts kind of like an ESL, only with a much smoother response and dynamic range! :)

Again, I'm not the biggest fanboy in the world of Tekton. I'm just saying, this is a novel approach, and an interation on ideas from the 80s and it is executed well and at a very fair price point.
Snapsc, most people would agree that talk is cheap.  For example, it’s easy to say that the looks of his speakers could be improved, etc.  It’s quite another thing to actually do anything about those very plain looks,

My comment was in part an observation of Tekton’s product line over the last several years.  They’ve had a long time to make improvements and are only now paying lip service to the issue.  Offering different paint colors is just putting lipstick on a pig.  

Danoroo, my comment on cheap off the shelf drivers wasn’t a knock on sound, but on age.  Will such drivers last 15 years?  I can guarantee that they will suffer worse long term with sunlight than others with more robust materials.  And I’m really hoping that at least the surrounds are rubber and not foam.