Chazzbo - Thanks for your reply. Red Wine is one that I am considering. I am not that familiar with Plinius but will add that to the list of contenders. In another system I have a pair of Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS being driven by a Bedini 25/25 that I was finally able to obtain within the past week. I have loved that amp since I first heard it back in the 80's. The Super 8's are 93db and 8 ohms and they are fabulous with the Bedini. I mention this amp because it is one that might be of interest to you, given your stated intention to probably stay with high to medium efficiency speakers. I know the Bedini would also be great with the Silverbacks, but it completely fails the criterion of running cool to warm. It is THE HOTTEST SS amp that I have ever encountered, but it is also the SS amp that in my experience best emulates many of the things I love about tube amps.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,