Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.

This is a variation on the "Favorite song" (or Classical composition) choice, as this title should in some way be related to mortality. Can you tell I'm approaching the end of mine? For me the choice is obvious; imo one of the three greatest songs I've ever heard (the other two being "What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted" and "No Time To Cry"): "God Only Knows", music by Brian Wilson, lyrics by Tony Asher, recorded by The Beach Boys in 1965. Light years above what anyone else in Pop music (or even Classical and Jazz) was doing at the time (or has done since), including The gd Beatles.
So many good possibilities, from the sublime to the ridiculous.  One that stands out for me is from Olivier Messiaen's "Quartet for the End of Time." The movement is entitled "Louange a l'Eternite de Jesus."  If you haven't heard it, it's worth a spin.  It is the textbook definition of "hauntingly beautiful."
I consider my life a gift. Good experiences have outweighed the bad. Though I won't be able to hear the songs I've chosen to be played when my time comes to its end, I'm satisfied. Because I listen to and cherish them now. I hope they cause those who hear them at my memorial service to reflect on their own lives and turn their hearts to what matters most..
1. "Never Seen Your Face" by the Williams Brothers "We Shall Behold Him" by Sandi Patti