Suggest Transports that can be Demo'd at home

I'm quite happy with my system (Silverline 17.5 monitors/Wells Majestic integrated/Aqua La Voce II/Jolida JD100 (as transport) but am wondering whether I ought to purchase another transport before they're no longer available.
$3000 would be my limit, budget-wise and longevity is a big concern. Used is OK, as long as unit is M. 

I have two caveats which make this tough-- 1) as a rule, I don't purchase any gear I can't first demo at home and 2)
I'd ideally prefer something made in N. America. Of these two qualifiers, the second is negotiable, but not the first.

I could demo a Bryston BCD-3 from Audio Advisor, but I'm not sure it makes sense to pay for a unit that includes a DAC I won't use. Also, I came across a comment in the Forums that the Bryston has fatiguing highs-- a flaw I particularly abhor. And, it's considerable over my budget. 

The Moon Neo 260D is not, as far as I can tell. possible to audition at home and I read on one of the AGon transport discussion threads that the drawer is flimsy. 

The Jay's Audio products look to be very good but I didn't see anything on their site about a trial period. 

A used PS Audio is a possibility, I guess, although I read that they used Oppo transports, which are no longer being made, so that's a concern from the longevity stand-point. 

 Any other units I should be aware of ??????????????



To clarify, the Moon 260T ( the version without build in dac) cost 2K and not 3-4K . Simaudio is very reliable brand and will support their products on long term basis . However I can understand your position ,the CXC is a fine transport even I bought the 260T I am not willing to sell my CXC and saving it as backup .it’s reliable and well build product , This transport is the best value for money right now.
@stuartk If you don't at least try a good CD transport, you will be missing out.
garrard; you are undoubtedly correct. . . in fact; since I posted my last comments I haven't been able to stop thinking about getting a new transport!  

If there was an online Sim retailer that offered returns to customers residing in CA, I'd order the Neo 260T today. But I haven't had any success in locating one.   

I may eventually end up ordering the Sim and crossing my fingers. . . 

soix: I talked to Bel Canto today-- really nice people. The tech with whom I spoke uses a CD-2 himself and gave me url of company that still sells new drives ($700 w/laser) and said B.C. had plenty of other parts. Just not sure about buying a unit I've never heard. 
I have two high end DACs, COS Engineering D1v and D2v.  I tried various DVD and CD players from the 1980s to 2000s.  The Sony esd707 killed the CXC as did various Denons 2900, 2910, etc.  The CXC sounds accurate in my system, lacking in bass foundation, tonally thin.  This in an all tube system.  It also has a ridiculously poor remote design, small visible screen and laughable footers (two in the rear, none in the front-it rests on on it's chassis).  For the price, CXC is okay but I'd rather use an older, more engaging CD or DVD player using coax out.