I would be auditioning Audio Note speakers--I have never heard of anyone complaining about too much treble response with their speakers and they are quite easy to drive so they work with a wide variety of amplifiers (by the way, what amps would you be using with your new speakers? It helps with making recommendations).
Someone who is a fan of old Spendors would also probably like ProAc speakers. I am particularly fond of their stand-mounted D2 speaker, and their floor-standing speakers with ribbon tweeters (they are more successful at blending ribbons with other drivers than most speaker companies that try to do this trick).
Someone who is a fan of old Spendors would also probably like ProAc speakers. I am particularly fond of their stand-mounted D2 speaker, and their floor-standing speakers with ribbon tweeters (they are more successful at blending ribbons with other drivers than most speaker companies that try to do this trick).